Orangen und Zitronenschale

Orange and lemon zest


Orangen und Zitronenschalen in feine Streifen schneiden

Cut oranges and lemon peel into thin strips




fein gehackt...

finely chopped…


Portwein und Johannisbeer-Gelée

Port wine and redcurrant gelée


Champagne de Sousa

Champagne de Sousa


Champagne de Sousa

Champagne de Sousa


[typography font=”Abril Fatface” size=”20″ size_format=”px” color=”#e1cca1″][dropcap]A[/dropcap][/typography]fter all the Christmas hustle and bustle you have barely calmed down a little, the New Year is approaching. Some people are looking forward to the extravagant parties on New Year’s Eve, while others prefer to end the old year at home without any hustle and bustle.
A fondue fits very well!

Anyone who enjoys it can take part in the preparations, we only have to create some nice sauces and prepare some fresh vegetables.
The great thing about fondue is that we can take as much time as we want, because the plate is not eaten completely empty. In all calmness one talks and observes how the meat (or bread) cooks slowly in the bouillon. In the middle of the table there is a cauldron filled with a delicate scented broth, where all the fondue forks are dipped in with the meat, before finally – depending on taste – being pulled out medium raw or well done, through to be eaten with one of the delicious sauces. When the crowd is full of joy and friendship, such a fondue can be enjoyed for several hours, perhaps even until midnight, when you raise your glass to the New Year.
Very festive is the sauce Cumberland, which is made from jelly, port wine, oranges, lemon and mustard. Although the sauce was invented back in the 19th century, it was made famous by the great Auguste Escoffier, the recipe presented here comes from his sauce book in the revised edition by Romeo Brodmann, a Swiss Chef Cook.


Accompanying: A Champagne de Sousa

We drink a champagne de Sousa, Brut Reserve.
De Sousa is a small but fine champagne house in Avize in the Champagne. Eric de Sousa develops his wonderful champagne biodynamically, you can see this straight in the flavour, you literally taste the work, put in here.
The champagne is golden yellow in colour and has a very fine mousseux, the drop is mineral in colour but also with fleural accents. You can discover some brioche notes, a little citrus and refreshing minerals. The champagne is extremely well-balanced, elegant and of tremendous structure.


And here is the recipe for the sauce Cumberland

Preparation time: 1-2 Brandenburg concerts

Ingredients for 0,3 L

  • 4 tbsp redcurrant gelée
  • 1 decilitre port wine
  • 1 tbsp shallots, finely chopped and blanched
  • 1 Orange, untreated
  • 1 lemon, untreated
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Spices: Salt, cayenne pepper, ginger powder or fresh ginger


Cut the orange and lemon peel into thin strips and add to boiling water. Let it boil for 3 minutes, drain, rinse in cold water and dry well. Bring the redcurrant gelée and port wine to the boil and let it run through a tea strainer and bring to boil again. Mix the juice of an orange and half a lemon juice with the mustard and add to it, boil up.
Blanch the shallots (blanked and chopped), stripes of orange and lemon peel and add, boil thoroughly. Season with cayenne pepper and some ginger.

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über den Autor


Mathias Guthmann schreibt unter anderem für kulinarische Zeitschriften und den Schachsport. Seine Essays, Reiseberichte und Kurzgeschichten haben eine hohe Reichweite und werden in verschiedensten Fachmagazinen, auch international, publiziert. In der freien Wirtschaft berät der Autor eine Firma zu PR-Strategien.

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