Just in a few minutes before the World Cup in Brazil, it’s time to celebrate the Brazilian victories with a caipirinha together with my friends, after a feijoada has provided the necessary basis.
Feijoada is the Brazilian national dish consisting of black beans, various smoked meats, lots of garlic and all kinds of spices, which we will get to in a moment.

Garrincha, a brilliant Brazilian forward was also a great eater and drinker.
Garrincha became immortal at the 1962 World Cup in Chile, after Pelé’s injury he seized the moment and thrilled fans around the world with his wonderful style. He was probably one of the most extraordinary talents in the history of football, despite an unbelievable physical handicap for a footballer – he had one x-leg and one o-leg – he was able to perform tricks on the ball that are still legendary today (for example the Garrincha double scissors). With the small pension that the Brazilian state paid him, he could no more finance his lifestyle (lots of whiskey, lots of feijoada) than he could finance his 14 children..

for 10 persons

1.2 kg black beans
(if you know your way around, you can of course choose from the following varieties, according to your taste:
carioquinha, preto, de corda, jalo, branco, rosado, fradinho, rajado e bolinha).
Personally, I prefer the somewhat lighter variety carioquinha, but the very dark varieties also make a very good and aromatic feijoada if the cooking times are strictly adhered to.

6-8 smoked sausages, here in Germany best so-called Polish, or raw Polish, a good cabanossi can also be used. The rule is: the better the product, the better the feijoada.

250 gr. streaky bacon, not too greasy and not too smoked.

400 gr. smoked pork or ribs

The ribs, as well as the bacon, can be understood as a substitute for the pigs’ feet that are often used in Brazil. In general, you can give free rein to your imagination as far as the meat ingredients are concerned, the only important thing is the quality. Avoid overly salty meat, or take the salt content of the ingredients into account when salting the feijoada.

4 tablespoons olive oil
3 large onions
4 cloves fresh garlic
1 bunch of parsley (I personally prefer fresh coriander, which can be found in any well-stocked Asian shop, but fresh coriander is a matter of taste, some cooks claim that the coriander has a somewhat soapy taste…)
3 large tomatoes
3 large bay leaves
1 tablespoon vinegar
Salt + pepper

In 1970, the Seleção celebrated magnificent football at the World Cup in Mexico. It was Pelé’s last appearance in the Canarinhos’ dress. In the final, Brazil defeated the Italians 4-1.
Gerson, Jairzinho and Carlos Alberto scored in the second half to give Brazil a 4-1 victory over an Italian team that was noticeably weakened by the difficult semi-final match against West Germany. It was to be 24 years before a Brazilian team was allowed to hold the Cup in its hands again.


Put the beans in plenty of cold water a day before to soak.
Chop the onions and fry them with 1 tbsp olive oil in a large, heavy frying pan. Fry the sausages together with the onions in the same pan for approx. 4-5 min. Do the same with the meat. Remove the inserts from the pan and set aside. Put the beans in a large saucepan, pour on water (about 3 thumb-thick over the beans). Bring to a slow simmer over a low heat.

Salt and pepper, add the bay leaves. Add a little water to the onion mixture in the pan and add to the bean pot. Continue to simmer. Peel, fillet and chop the tomatoes and add, as well as chop and add the garlic. Chop the parsley and add to the feijoada.
Now add the meat garnishes (if they don’t all go into the pot, just add some and take them out again, and add new pieces of meat).
Never increase the temperature of the plate too much (gas lowest flame, electric maximum level 1), keep stirring the feijoada.

Cook for at least 21/2 hours. If necessary, remove the meat from the pot beforehand so that it does not dry out but remains nice and juicy. In between, season again with the vinegar.
Serve with rice and manioc flour, as well as filleted oranges or pineapple. A spicy sauce made from fresh tomatoes and pimenta malagueta is also a good choice (of course, a nice chilli is also fine).

über den Autor


Mathias Guthmann schreibt unter anderem für kulinarische Zeitschriften und den Schachsport. Seine Essays, Reiseberichte und Kurzgeschichten haben eine hohe Reichweite und werden in verschiedensten Fachmagazinen, auch international, publiziert. In der freien Wirtschaft berät der Autor eine Firma zu PR-Strategien.

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