Excellent reception in front of a majestic scene in Heidelberg Castle. A well chosen oyster trio of...
Art cooking I, Ferran Adrià
Since the creation of molecular cuisine in the 1990s, the gastronomic avant-garde has been linked...
Christian Bau, bau.stil.
The culinary landscape in Germany has become incredibly exciting in the recent years. Creative...
Sauce Cumberland / de Sousa / Fondue
The Sauce Cumberland is very festive, it is made from jelly, port wine, oranges, lemon and mustard...
Dieter Müller UNPLUGGED: The goose, four cooks and my mother
In the third and last episode of Dieter Müller's UNPLUGGED, the top chef talks about the value of...
Chicken Liver “Brännland 33° Brix”
Chicken Liver, Brännland 33° Brix Brännland ISCIDER 33°Brix Birnen, Brännland 33°Brix Kartoffeln...
Dieter Müller on a soufflé, football, molecular kitchen and KDJ
In der zweiten UNPLUGGED Folge spricht Dieter Müller über ein Soufflé, Molekularküche, Fußball und...
Israel, a culinary trip
An invitation from the Israeli Ministry of Tourism is not to be rejected. In addition to many new...
Cooking legend Dieter Müller on multiculture, insects and ships
In the new UNPLUGGED column by Grandgourmand, cooking legend Dieter Müller talks about culinary...
Choucroute garnie à l’alsacienne
This typical Alsatian dish tastes very different from Bavarian or Palatine Kraut. The Sauerkraut is...
The Motzenbäcker [R]Evolution
The vineyards, which gently nestle into the landscape, are gilded and glowed by the September...
Take a Walk on the Wineside, Uwe Warnecke
For 7 years now, sommelier Uwe Warnecke and Philipp Kiefer have been organising the "véritable"...
véritable 17: Ein Interview mit Philipp Kiefer
Philipp Kiefer war 2015 Deutschlands bester Jungwinzer. Im pfälzischen St.Martin ist es ihm...
véritable 17: An Interview with Gaia Gaja
Gaia Gaja ist eine der beiden Töchter des charismatischen Winzers Angelo Gaja, der in den 60er und...
Hoos LAPSANG Spare Ribs
the exotic, slightly smoky aroma of the Hoos Lapsang Gin immediately convinced me and inspired me...